Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Bump in the Road

In January, Jessica Blaylock (my masseuse) found a lump on my leg. I waited a month before I saw my physician. She referred me to Dr. Vetto, a surgical oncologist, who ordered an MRI - then a biopsy - then I waited two weeks for results.

I had hoped it would be a lipoma but on March 28th, I found out I had cancer. The diagnosis is stage 2, soft tissue sarcoma. The tumor is 6.7 cm.

Sarcoma is a rare cancer that affects about 10,000 people each year. There are 50 different types of sarcomas. The good news - it is caught early, it has not metastasized and Oregon Health and Science University specializes in treating sarcomas. Aside from the tumor, I am the healthiest I have been in 10 years; I ran two marathons in the last two years. I am well-prepared to deal with this "bump in the road." I will go through 6 cycles of chemotherapy, radiation treatment and surgery.

I appreciate the supportive thoughts, prayers and positive energy that everyone has sent to me and my family. This unwelcomed guest is on its way out of my life.


  1. You can do this Mike! You are in better shape than most people I know. With your health and humor, you are well armed to defeat this. Know that you have a trusty team in your corner who are ready - willing - and able to provide any assistance you need along the way. We love you!

  2. You've proven how strong and determined you are many times over. Roger and I are there for you with all our love, prayers, good thoughts and evergies coming your way. I know there is a bright ray of healing light around you 24/7 just because of who you are as a person. Love you honey!

  3. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I know you have a wonderful support system, but please know you can call on me any time for any thing. I will be there.

  4. We're sending positive energy your way from Washington. Stay strong and positive, as is your nature.

  5. Dear Mike and Julie and Rylan and Jacqueline, we are there with you, too! Each morning I do a meditation for you, thinking about all the strong things (including strong-hearted things) you have done in your life, and how that is just momentum for getting over this bump in the road. You´re da man! Sending you love and added strength every single day, Carmen and Jennie
