Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Half Way Point

I am half way through treatments; I had surgery Monday morning to remove the tumor. The mass removed from my leg was approximately 3.5 inches long; the incision is about 9 inches long. I am surprised how well I am feeling. For me, the surgery has been easier than the chemo; the chemo side effects last much longer. I haven't needed pain medication since Tuesday morning. I plan to return to work this Friday.

The hardest part is giving myself shots in the stomach to prevent post-surgery blood clots. I now have some understanding of what diabetics go through. In two weeks, I meet with the surgeon and oncologist. If the tumor has responded to chemo (i.e. shows signs of dying) then I will have three more chemo cycles. If there has been no effect on the tumor then I may not have any more chemo.

I want to thank everyone for the phone calls, texts, thoughts and prayers sent my way. I truly appreciate it.


  1. Welcome home Mike! You're in the home stretch now!

    Big hugs from The Bones.

  2. Mike, you, Julie, your kids and your journey through this challenge are such role models of grace under fire. We Downers have been thinking lots and lots of good thoughts for you! I would love to photograph you all again when your treatments are over... my treat. It just feels like you've done such a beautiful job documenting it all that I would like to offer my view to you. xo
